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It seems that in our pursuit of technology, we are neglecting the most sophisticated technology of all—the incredible human body and mind.

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adventure, challenge, defiant, dehydration, mission, resilience, resilient, shelter, survival, weather -

Fall is here.  The summer heat is receding.  Color season has begun.  Hunting season is either already here or fast approaching.  It’s time to get outside and start exploring!

Those who venture into the wild know that there is an element of danger involved.  That’s part of what draws us to the wilderness.  But there’s no reason to venture out recklessly.  A critical part of preparing for your expedition is planning your survival strategy.  Below is a list of some of the most critical survival priorities.  These priorities are not necessarily listed in rank order, as your survival priorities may change based on your situation.

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When you plan a day hike, an overnight backpacking trip, a weekend hunting trip, or an extended stay in the wilderness, you prepare for the contingencies.  You have a plan for finding shelter, a plan for inclement weather.  A plan for procuring water and food, and for first aid. But did you remember to include a rescue plan? The steps below will help you build a rescue plan just in case a catastrophic event should prevent you from getting back on your own. Before you leave on your trip, find a trusted partner and tell them your plans.  Tell them...

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adventure, backpack, defiant, endurance, excellence, goals, growth, hardship, mission, planning, resilience, resilient, stronger, weather -

The weather can be our enemy, or, with a little education and planning, we can live in harmony with our environment.  Take some time to familiarize yourself with the weather patterns in the area you’re planning to explore.  Don’t take foolish and unnecessary risks by failing to take simple precautions.  Know the risks, plan ahead, and thrive in the wild! 

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adventure, backpack, challenge, defiant, endurance, excellence, joint health, medicine, mission, pain, pain killers, ruck, stronger, struggle -

There are a number of people today, some who write for reputable publications, who tend to be a bit reckless in dispensing advice on using painkillers.  "When backpacking,” the advice goes, “if your joints start to hurt, simply pop a couple of over-the-counter pain relievers, and press on.”

When you ingest a painkiller, you are shutting down your body’s signals.  By shutting down these signals and continuing the activity, you make it much more difficult to assess the extent of your injury, and you are almost guaranteed to make the injury worse.


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