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Every once in a while, a crisis comes along that tests our faith.  A situation arises that reveals whether we can act according to our values or whether we are just talk.  We are now in the midst of such a situation.  We can let the fear cripple us and watch our society self-destruct, or we can fight our way through.  Every society has had leaders--men and women who remained calm in the face of adversity.  People who, despite hopeless situations, dared to defy the chaos and stood tall against the odds.  It is the footsteps of these people that we seek to follow, and we urge our tribe members to do the same.

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adventure, challenge, defiant, dehydration, mission, resilience, resilient, shelter, survival, weather -

Fall is here.  The summer heat is receding.  Color season has begun.  Hunting season is either already here or fast approaching.  It’s time to get outside and start exploring!

Those who venture into the wild know that there is an element of danger involved.  That’s part of what draws us to the wilderness.  But there’s no reason to venture out recklessly.  A critical part of preparing for your expedition is planning your survival strategy.  Below is a list of some of the most critical survival priorities.  These priorities are not necessarily listed in rank order, as your survival priorities may change based on your situation.

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